Explore ecovillages worldwide.

Join an all-inclusive tour to ecovillages and intentional communities around the globe.

Winter 2025 Tours

Start your new year with a transformative journey to intentional communities.

Winter tours on sale through October 1, 2024.


9 Important Questions to Ask Before You Visit an Ecovillage

Interested in ecovillages, but not sure where or how to actually visit one? Plan a safe and effective ecovillage visit with the help of this short guidebook.

Transform the way you travel.

Journey to the heart of intentional communities with the only global ecovillage tour agency. This isn’t another vacation. This is an exploration of a whole new way of being on our planet.


Learn why past participants are raving about their tour experience.

One of the greatest experiences I have ever had. A completely unique journey to some wondrous ecovillage projects, full of inspirational humans. To share the tours with others with similar visions was enriching and a real privilige. I left feeling fulfilled and educated.

Adam Bates

It is an experience worth paying for. You get to know places and people who are on the real hands on effort for bringing change and make local ecosystems more resilient.

Edward Bryce

Best summer camp ever! A must see!! People, food and lodging were more than I could have hoped for in a travel experience like this!! Definitely will be back.

—Megan Zimmerman

Ecovillage Tours has put something really special together. The amount of research and care they have put into this trip is impressive in and of itself and have helped facilitate meaningful connections both within the tour group and with the communities hosting us. This eye opening experience has the potential to change your life by exploring more unique paradigms.

Nathan Oxenfeld


Meet your guides.

Our guides have travelled the world to identify the most impactful centers for you to experience. Our trips are made possible thanks to decades of relationship building with partner communities.

Our Partners and Awards

“We can view the search for a better world as exploration.

We may discover that the expedition is the better world, and that our own most important discoveries will be along the lines of how to improve the expedition – how to get others to join and help in the search.”



We’d love to chat with you about your dream ecovillage tour.